From the people who answer our phones to the people who come to your home, we have assembled a team of professionals with big hearts. Working together we each bring our knowledge, insight and wisdom to guide you through the aging and elder care journey.
Our team includes:
Care Managers
[This is where you can put general information, or choose to highlight your individual care managers (CAUTION: If you get specific, you will then need to remember to update this page as employees come and go.)]
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[This is where you can put general information about the caregivers who go into the home.]
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The Office Staff
[You may or may not wish to name individuals. (If you do, then when employees leave, you have to remember to update the site!) But describing the roles of the different people at the office gives potential clients a sense of your organization and can help them better appreciate the office staff who keep the clerical end of things in line so you can do the client-care piece out in the field.]
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