Non-discrimination Policy – Trukese (Foosun Chuuk)

MEI AUCHEA:  Ika iei foosun fonuomw: Foosun Chuuk, iwe en mei tongeni omw kopwe angei aninisin chiakku, ese kamo.  Kori [Number for Language Assistance Service] (TTY: [Number for TTY Service]).


Discrimination is Against the Law

[Your Organization] a men unus ngeni met mei affat non ekkan annukun “Federal civil rights” , iwe esapw nifinifin ngeni aramas won ir chon ian, enuwen unucher, ian re feito me ian, ierir, ar wanengaw ren inisir are mekurer, ika won ir mwaan are fefin.  [Your Organization] esap pwan angawer ika amam ngenir anongonong won ir chon ian, enuwen unucher, ian re feito me ian, ierir, ar wanengaw ren inisir are mekurer, ika won ir mwaan are fefin.

[Your Organization]:

  •   A tongeni awora ekkoch pekin aninis mei tongeni anisi ekkewe mei wanengaw ren inisir are mekurer ar repwe weweochu ekkei poraus, usun ekkei aninis:
    • “Sign language” ren ekkewe rese tongeni rong ika kapas
    • Pwan ekkoch sokopaten kapas (makken watte, “audio”, kapas me ren kamputer, ika pwan ekkoch)
  •   A tongeni awora aninisin chiakku, ese kamo, ngeni ekkewe rese kon sinei foosun Merika, usun ekkei aninis:
    • Aninisin chiakku
    • Ekkoch auchean taropwe mei piin translatini non pwan ekkoch foosun fonu

Ika ka mochen nounou eu me nein ekkei aninis, kori [Compliance Officer's Title and Name]

Ika ka nuke pwe [Your Organization] a piin angawok are a piin nifinifin ngonuk won en chon ian, enuwen unuchum, ian ka feito me ian, ierum, omw wanengaw ren inisum are mekurom, ika won en mwaan are fefin, ka tongeni tinano omw tipengaw ngeni: [Compliance Officer's Title and Name], [Your Address], [Compliance Phone Number], TTY: [Number for TTY Service], [Compliance Fax Number], [Compliance Officer's Email]. Ka tongeni chuto ren ach ei ofes are atoura omw tipengaw me non posto, fax are email. Ika ka mochen tungoren aninis, [Compliance Officer's Title and Name] epwe tongeni anisuk.

Ka pwan tongeni atoura eu tipengaw a iteni “civil rights complaint” ngeni ewe U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, are me non an ewe Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal website, non internet address:, are mak ika koko ngeni:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

200 Independence Avenue, SW

Room 509F, HHH Building

Washington, D.C. 20201

1-800-868-1019 ika

800-537-7697 (ren ekkewe rese tongeni rong me/ika kapas)

Ka tongeni angei noumw taropwen tipengaw me non ei website: