A. Warren McClaskey Adult Center (computer training only)
Sponsored by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, this database includes objective assessments of over 22,000 devices with reviews by actual users. ABLEDATA does not manufacture or sell any of these products, thus there is no conflict of interest in their descriptions. You can search by product, by manufacturer, or by the condition the device addresses. There is even a "classified" section where consumers can buy/sell used equipment.
California State University Sacramento Re-Entry for Adult Students
California Telephone Access Program(equipment only)English Voice
Cosumnes River College
Easter Seal Superior California
Manual Mobility Equipment Loan Library
Phillip’s Lifeline(an emergency response system)
Sacramento Employment and Training Agency (SETA)
Sunrise Tech Center (SJUSD Adult Education)
UC Davis Lifelong Learning Program
Please Note: Mercy Hospice does not specifically endorse the activities of these organizations, but offers their information as a sample of the kinds of materials and services that are available.
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