Colonial Manor
814 Springer Ave.,
Columbus Jct. I, IA 52738
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Find not-for-profit nursing homes, assisted living and independent living facilities near you. Based on a list of 5600 member facilities. You can also locate the state office for these non-profit housing/care providers.
Every state has an office of the Long Term Care Ombudsman, an agency designed to protect the rights of residents in long term care facilities, resolve complaints and provide information to the public. Come to this site to find your state and regional Long Term Care Ombudsman office and what resources they have available to help you as you work with skilled nursing facilities.
This website is sponsored by Medicare and allows you to view the performance record of all Medicare/Medicaid certified nursing facilities. It also offers guidelines for choosing a nursing home, and a nursing home checklist to help you in your decision-making.
Please Note: Iowa City Hospice does not specifically endorse the activities of these organizations, but offers their information as a sample of the kinds of materials and services that are available.