Perhaps the most useful site for a long distance caregiver, the Eldercare Locator is a national service to assist people in finding the Area Agency on Aging unit for specific geographical regions (based on zip code). Enter your care receiver’s zip code and they will give you the information and referral service number for that region. The local people can talk to you about your care receiver’s needs and programs available to help. They may also know of care management programs in the community so the person you care for can get an in-person assessment. It may take the local Information and Referral Service a few days to return your call (they get lots of calls in a day), but it’s worth the wait. The Eldercare Locator website also includes informative links about other eldercare issues.
Housing - Board and Care Homes (also called "Adult Foster Homes") for Louisa County
Available in some states, these facilities involve private families taking seniors into their homes and offering room and board and medication supervision. This is a more home-like alternative for those who are unable to live independently.
Please Note: Iowa City Hospice does not specifically endorse the activities of these organizations, but offers their information as a sample of the kinds of materials and services that are available.