Find a listing of for-profit and non-profit assisted living facilities in your state.
Housing - Assisted Living Facilities for Louisa County
Apartment-style living that provides housing, meals, medication supervision, and activities. For those who are fairly independent or live with a fairly independent person who can care for them.
Find not-for-profit assisted living, nursing home and independent living facilities near you. This information is based on a list of 5500 member facilities. From this website, you can also locate your state office for these non-profit housing/care providers.
Office of the State Long Term Care Ombudsman
Jessie Parker Bldg. 510 E 12th St. Rm 2,
Des Moines, IA 50319
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Description of Organization and Service Provided
The Visibility Action Team is a volunteer organization that seeks to provide information, resources, and advocacy to older adults in Johnson County who are lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender, trans-sexual, queer, or intersex. We provide training to service providers on how to provide culturally competent services to the LGBTTQI community of older adults. We publish a resource guide on services for LGTTQI older adults and are conducting a survey of community needs. Our goal is create awareness of the experiences and needs of this marginalized and often silent group of elders.
Please Note: Iowa City Hospice does not specifically endorse the activities of these organizations, but offers their information as a sample of the kinds of materials and services that are available.