This is the agency in the government that administers the Food Stamp program. Learn about eligibility requirements and use their online pre-screening tool. Or call their toll-free number 24 hours a day and find out your state’s toll-free food stamp phone number, or leave your mailing address the federal office will mail you informational brochures. This site is available in multiple languages.
Nutrition Programs
Provide meals, food stamps, and emergency food boxes.
The Meals on Wheels program is designed to make sure that homebound individuals get at least one nutritious meal a day. Most meal deliverers are trained to recognize symptoms of problems, thus meal delivery offers some reassurance that an objective third party is touching base each day. Find out about the program closest to your care receiver.
Please Note: Trellis Supportive Care does not specifically endorse the activities of these organizations, but offers their information as a sample of the kinds of materials and services that are available.